Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hantaran Merisik..

this was the gift that elder cousin gave to my future-cousin-in law.. its not much but its pretty good especially the chocolate.. hehehe.. those gifts are :

1) mixed fruits
2) chocolate
3) tepak sirih
4) sponge cake
5) dress

This picture was taken on our family trip to Kelantan to net the future-cousin-in law.. hehehe.. there were a lot of things i want to do but the time constrain us from doing everything as much as we want.. i hope that we can go there again..

Saturday, May 15, 2010

GoLf ColLeCtioN..

My father has one hobby.. playing golf.. this was the golf ball collection in our house..

Me, MySelF AnD...

this was somewhere near a little pool of hot spring in Bentong..just having fun that day.. at first we thought to went to a feast at one of my fathers family members but in the end we cant find where it was and thus we just went to the host spring.. i was just sit and watch my younger sibling play in the pool..

Ickle-Sickly Little Froggy

have u wonder anything about where did the frog lived..?? some may say that they live in the pond or under a rock or anything else but its totally different with the frog near my house.. i dont know whats got into my younger brother but he suddenly turn over our father shoes and the there it was.. three little froggy lived peacefully inside the shoes.. i've only managed to take a pic of two of those frogs and the other one managed to get away inside a hole.. must be a little cozy inside my father shoes that has cause those frogs to live in harmony...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

drooling..... ( ^_^)

hungry eveyone..??? plz concentrate on this picture and i can assure u would get stuffed in a minute.. hehehehe...

things i would do here.. (maybe... )

as the necessary thing are limited here, these following list were the things i do to kill my time..

1) sleep
2) watching tv
3) play computer
4) play with the cat
5) play badminton
6) drooling (sometimes.. hehehe)
7) read books ( harry potter of course..!!!)
8) eat and drink
9) washing clothes
10) play with teddy..!!!!

if u have any suggestion how should i kill all those time, plz send me ur suggestion to this blog.. thank u..